Diane Simmons
Psychic Medium
As a psychic medium and healer, I connect with the spirit world to bring evidence of eternal life and healing.
The human soul knows so much more than we can imagine. It is capable of communicating with other soul beings, sharing wisdom and insight learnt beyond this lifetime.
If you connect your mind, body and soul and create space in your life both physically and mentally for your optimum wellbeing, you can bring your true light into this world and share your gifts with others.
Are you ready for the adventure?
Diane x
About me
Looking back to my early childhood, I always felt connected to something greater than the world that was in front of me. I was a child that slept-walked and had repeating dreams, which often involved sound and feelings. It took me until my thirties before I felt brave enough to explore spirituality.
My spiritual unfoldment began with meditating regularly. I enjoyed stepping into a different consciousness that gave me a sense of peace and connection to light. In meditation my fear of spirit subsided and I experienced spirit, angels and beings of light, that reconnected me to all of my senses. I often laugh at how much my life has changed for the better. I was overwhelmed when an Angel visited me, threw their wings around me and showed me the love that is available to everyone, if you open up your soul to its purpose.
I am proud to work for Spirit. I am a Reiki practitioner, Psychic Medium, Trance Medium, Teacher and Mentor. I have learnt from so many truly talented spiritual workers and I have valued the mentorship of International Medium, Tony Stockwell. I will forever continue my development alongside serving spirit. I remain fascinated by crystals and astrology and am delighted to be working with other likeminded mediums through The Soul Circle online and in-person events. I serve a multitude of Spiritualist Churches and Spiritual Groups, demonstrating Mediumship and teaching in Circles and Workshops.
I am a spiritual adventurer. I work in the light. I am a lightworker. I feel truly blessed to serve spirit and bring joy and healing to those in need. I no longer fear death, but fear not living. Although I have lived many lives before this, it is what is planned for this one that is most exciting.....let the journey continue, will you join me?

Contact me
I work in person and online, both with individuals and groups. If you would like to book a reading or treatment, please email or contact me on the details below.
Based in Faringdon, UK
T: +44 7901 333055
E: diane@thesoulwithin.co.uk